Post-Event Report on Early Grade Teacher Training (CADVES)


GLMi Kenya held “Early Grade Teacher Training” August 13th, 2018 - August 15th, 2018 in Loitoktok, Kajiado county, Kenya. Analyzing their schools current situation and learning new activities for early grade students, teachers have been prepared well for the new semester.

Summary of Early Grade Teacher Training

GLMi Kenya held Early Grade Teacher Training for 60 early grade teachers from the 30 designated schools. First of all we shared the information on the latest students' learning outcomes based on the learning assessment CADVES team conducted and information on new Kenyan curriculum.

In Day 1 and Day 2, Teachers experienced new learning activities for early grade students called "play-based activities," which is based on the new curriculum, in order for students' comprehension in math to be promoted in more enjoyable way.

We also explained the current challenges on Kiswahili, and at the end of the training, teachers prepared the revised teaching strategy/method for the coming semester.

Programme and Photos

Another photo coming soon...